Hope: What Do You Expect
April 15, 2018 | Rev. Dr. Lorne Bostwick
Series: Easter Season 2018
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Many are saying that the mainline protestant church is dying. The loss of hope is a common theme in America today. It was a reality for those walking the Road to Emmaus also. Truth is that resurrection and life is the design and will of God and death will not have the last word. We need to live with the conviction of this truth.
Experiencing the Risen Lord
April 8, 2018 | Jennifer Martin
Series: Post Easter
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Doubting Thomas is like many of us... We want to experience the living Lord ourselves, first hand. It suggests that Jesus honored Thomas's request and that he will honor ours as well. Look carefully around you and you will see the risen Lord incarnate in your neighbors and friends as they live the life of Christ in our midst.
Easter Service (abbreviated)
April 1, 2018 | Rev. Dr. Lorne Bostwick
Series: Easter
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The Lord's Supper is a constant reminder of resurrection. The risen Lord is with us in Spirit and power through the work of the Spirit and the Church. This is truly good news for those who live in challenging and death dealing times. He is risen!
Writing On The Heart
March 18, 2018 | Lorne Bostwick
Series: Lent 2018
Most of us know something about God. We may be confident about that knowledge or we may hold it tentatively. Regardless, all of us have something in our heart that moves us and motivates us to love of neighbor. It may be near the surface of our lives or deep down in our hearts. In times of crisis, not only those who hold the same doctrine as you do, but people of great diversity all find it in their heart to be compassionate and loving toward their neighbors. Jeremiah reminds us that God promised that we would no longer have to tell one another to "Know the Lord" but that God would write law of love on our hearts, forgive our sin, and remember it no longer. Wouldn't you like to live as though this were already true?