April 29, 2018 | Lorne Bostwick
Series: Easter Season 2018
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Change is a vital part of growth in our faith and life experience. Often the church errors on the side of conservation rather than embracing change. However, individuals change as they learn more about themselves and God. So did the church. Ananias reaches out to the Ethiopian, Paul to the Gentiles, and the church to the world around it. Embracing and interpreting the meaning of God's love revealed in Jesus Christ to those who are different requires knowing just what is at the heart of the Gospel so we don't mistake orthodox doctrine for God's inclusive love.
Becoming Known
October 22, 2017 | Lorne Bostwick
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There are two types of Christians - those known for what they do and those for what they say. Often the doers have little to say about the meaning and motivation for their actions, while those with the loudest voice are hypocrites. There is something internally self balancing when word and deed are held together with integrity. Words should lead to action and action should be accompanied by proclamation. Paul commends the Thessalonians for their example of the Christian faith, actions that have become well known throughout the region giving the church and God a good name. Shouldn't we strive for this too?
Lessons in Sowing: Part 2
July 23, 2017 | Rev Lorne Bostwick
Series: Lessons in Sowing
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This is the second sermon in a series of parables on seeds and sowing. In this parable Jesus teaches that it would be peril to weed the wheat field. The roots get tangled together and pulling weeds may pull out the wheat too. It is time for the Christian community to take seriously this admonition for Christians to sow good seed and steer away from judgment and weeding. Harvesting is God's work. Planting love is the task that God has given God's people.
Lessons in Sowing
July 16, 2017 | Rev Lorne Bostwick
Series: Lessons in Sowing
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The church is worried that it will die. It is concerned about the future. Young people are just not interested in the church. The parable of the sower reminds us that our job is to faithfully sow the seed. The harvest is up to God. We don't have to persuade. We have to love. How about we leave the church's future in God's hands and be busy with sowing as much love as we can.