
Another Way

January 6, 2019  | 


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Did Christmas inspire you or was it just another run-of-the-mill routine?  Did Christmas change you?  Did it encourage you to be a better disciple, a better citizen, a better neighbor?  The Wise Men a profoundly moved by God's revelation in Christ and not only dream, but follow through making their way home by another way?  How are you returning to your daily routine after Christmas?

I’ll Make The Coffee

November 18, 2018  | 

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At the installation of our Co-Pastors, the Rev. Brian Heron, Presbyter for Mission and Vision, delivers a sermon about change and the future.

Courage and Call

October 28, 2018  | 


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On this Reformation Sunday we are reminded that we are ever-changing and that our church institutions must change too.  This Sunday we remember the past but we look forward to the future - The Church Reformed and Always Reforming!


April 29, 2018  | 


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Change is a vital part of growth in our faith and life experience.  Often the church errors on the side of conservation rather than embracing change.  However, individuals change as they learn more about themselves and God.  So did the church.  Ananias reaches out to the Ethiopian, Paul to the Gentiles, and the church to the world around it.  Embracing and interpreting the meaning of God's love revealed in Jesus Christ to those who are different requires knowing just what is at the heart of the Gospel so we don't mistake orthodox doctrine for God's inclusive love.