
Anger in the Temple

March 4, 2018  | 


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Anger is not something we like to talk about in the church.  Psychologists tell us that human emotions are neutral but how we use them is critical to righteousness and wickedness.  The apostle Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians, "Be angry but do not sin."  Jesus cleansing of the temple is an act of righteous anger.  Let us not sanitize it but seek to better understand how anger works and how it can be constructively used of good and not sin.

When Life is Overwhelming

September 10, 2017  | 

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Sometimes life throws too much our way.  Life in Egypt was like this for the Israelites.  This is part of the human condition - that which causes conflict between us.  Jesus outlines a process for solving conflict in the Matthew text.  First try to solve it between the two parties privately, then a small group, and finally the community through dialogue.  We need dialogue today about many issues that divide us.  Finally, when you get instruction to treat unresolved conflict as you would a tax collector or other outsider, remember how Jesus treated the outsider, the tax collector, and the sinner.