Calling Disciples
January 21, 2018 | Rev. Jennifer Martin
Series: Discipleship
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God is the God of second chances. Those of us called are grateful that God sticks with us, that God is faithful even when we are not. The key to discipleship is not our perfection but God's love for us. No matter how many times we mess up God continues to stick with us, ever calling us to new life and faithful discipleship.
Finding Light – Being Light
January 7, 2018 | Lorne Bostwick
Series: Christmas 2017
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Epiphany is a testimony to revelation -- particularly the revelation of God's love in Jesus Christ. This passage reveals ways of seeing that are unusual - through signs - in the stars and in dreams, the benefits of crossing boundaries of nation, culture and religion, and risk taking. Like the wise men, when we approach Christ with curiosity and devotion, we are prompted to give gifts and see in him the light that enlightens everything.
Presbyterians and Public Education
September 17, 2017 | Rev Lorne Bostwick
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Jesus sums up the commandments in two; Love God with heart and soul and mind and the second is like it, love your neighbor. The inseperable connection between love of God and Love of neighbor defines humanities' covenant relationships. In particular loving God is expressed in three related parts of the human experience - body, MIND, and Spirit. Today's sermon has its focus on the mind and our covenant obligation for public education. Presbyterians have a long tradition of supporting public education rooted in our love of neighbor as a fulfillment of our covenant responsibilities.
Lessons in Sowing: Part 2
July 23, 2017 | Rev Lorne Bostwick
Series: Lessons in Sowing
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This is the second sermon in a series of parables on seeds and sowing. In this parable Jesus teaches that it would be peril to weed the wheat field. The roots get tangled together and pulling weeds may pull out the wheat too. It is time for the Christian community to take seriously this admonition for Christians to sow good seed and steer away from judgment and weeding. Harvesting is God's work. Planting love is the task that God has given God's people.