
Presbyterians and Public Education

September 17, 2017  | 

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Jesus sums up the commandments in two;  Love God with heart and soul and mind and the second is like it, love your neighbor.  The inseperable connection between love of God and Love of neighbor defines humanities' covenant relationships.  In particular loving God is expressed in three related parts of the human experience - body, MIND, and Spirit.  Today's sermon has its focus on the mind and our covenant obligation for public education. Presbyterians have a long tradition of supporting public education rooted in our love of neighbor as a fulfillment of our covenant responsibilities.

Lessons in Sowing

July 16, 2017  | 


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The church is worried that it will die.  It is concerned about the future.  Young people are just not interested in the church.  The parable of the sower reminds us that our job is to faithfully sow the seed.  The harvest is up to God.  We don't have to persuade.  We have to love.  How about we leave the church's future in God's hands and be busy with sowing as much love as we can.

When Resistance Ia Faithful

June 25, 2017  | 

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There is a great divide in the world between those who are out for their own good and those who are interested in the good of others.  Today we are divided as a nation, in our families, and our religion, politics, and culture.  Jesus identifies these differences and the trouble that can come with them but requires of disciples a faithful commitment to follow him in the way of the cross.  We must not let anything get in the way of serving the common good.

Living The Gospel

June 18, 2017  | 

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Living the Gospel is more important that doctrinal debate.  People will know the content of our faith by the way that we live and not just by what we say.  Jesus noted that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.  What is the meaning of this for Christians in the church today.  Are we faithful laborers?