Letting Go and Holding On
July 2, 2017 | Rev Lorne Bostwick
Series: Letting Go
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The sacrifice of Isaac is a difficult story that traditionally is interpreted as typological of a person of faith. But this story is multi-layered and has important things to say about the power of letting go in order for God to hold on to us with such love we would never know if we hold the reigns of our life to tightly. It is also a meaningful way to understand the nature of sacrifice, both sacrifice we choose and sacrifice that is willed on us by life. Both are incapable of saving us because we don't have the faith and trust necessary to meet these challenges. God however, is a faithful partner in our lives and God does have the capacity to redeem.
When Resistance Ia Faithful
June 25, 2017 | Rev Lorne Bostwick
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There is a great divide in the world between those who are out for their own good and those who are interested in the good of others. Today we are divided as a nation, in our families, and our religion, politics, and culture. Jesus identifies these differences and the trouble that can come with them but requires of disciples a faithful commitment to follow him in the way of the cross. We must not let anything get in the way of serving the common good.