August 5, 2018 | Rev. Jennifer Martin
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Bread is a symbol for Life throughout the Bible. It operates on many levels, physical, emotional, spiritual. This sermon is a preparation for celebrating communion as a community of faith.
Boundary-Crossing Generosity
July 1, 2018 | Lorne Bostwick
Series: Stewardship
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Generosity is a mark of the Spirit in the Christian life. For Paul giving is what crosses the boundaries of race, culture, economics, and religious tradition and makes us one in Christ. In this sermon we explore how responding to human need helps the Christian community get beyond our differences. Also enjoy the San Francisco Boys Choir singing "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."
The Purpose and Spirit of the Law
June 3, 2018 |
Series: Pentecost Season 2018
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We always struggle to decide if it is the letter of the Law or the Spirit of the Law that should guide us. Jesus respects the Sabbath and honors it but he also violates community standards for it. What are we to make of this?