
Two Prophets for Christmas

December 23, 2018  | 


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Two hysterical women, Elizabeth and Mary have something to say about the future.  Are we hearing their message again this Christmas?  Here's wishing you a Hysterical Christmas.


December 16, 2018  | 


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John the Baptist continues to lead the way in this 3rd Sunday of Advent.  John is calling us to prepare by changing the way that we live, to be transformed by living into our anticipation of God's incarnation.

Preparing the Way

December 9, 2018  | 


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In this 2nd Sunday of Advent we focus on preparing the way as John the Baptist leads us on the way

Meet Me At The Fig Tree

December 2, 2018  | 


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There is much distress in the world.  Apocalyptic interpretations are not unreasonable.  However, there is a little parable in this text which points us toward natural, unassuming signs that point to the kind of faithful saving action of God in the midst of crisis.  Advent is about paying attention not only to the apocalyptic but to the very natural birth of a child, not to the threats of violence and reigns of terror, but to the quiet strength of resurrection in the midst of death and destruction.