Gifts that Help us Let Go
July 9, 2017 | Rev Lorne Bostwick
Series: Letting Go
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There is a lot of anxiety in our world today. All of us are in need of a place to rest and recharge. Jesus issues the invitation: "Come to me...Find rest!" Sabbath practice, worship in other words, is a way to come into the presence of Jesus and, if we are willing to let go of our fears, anxieties, and troubles; trust in God's sovereign mercy, grace, and love we will leave our Sabbath practice with rest and new life.
Letting Go and Holding On
July 2, 2017 | Rev Lorne Bostwick
Series: Letting Go
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The sacrifice of Isaac is a difficult story that traditionally is interpreted as typological of a person of faith. But this story is multi-layered and has important things to say about the power of letting go in order for God to hold on to us with such love we would never know if we hold the reigns of our life to tightly. It is also a meaningful way to understand the nature of sacrifice, both sacrifice we choose and sacrifice that is willed on us by life. Both are incapable of saving us because we don't have the faith and trust necessary to meet these challenges. God however, is a faithful partner in our lives and God does have the capacity to redeem.