

May 7, 2017  | 

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On Anniversary Sunday we look at the story of the beginning of the church and look back at the beginnings and heritage of Central Presbyterian Church.  The same Spirit which animated the life of the early church leads us to live the Gospel in ways that are recognizable in the story of the early church.

Recognizing Jesus

April 30, 2017  |


For many of us Easter already seems like it is miles away.  The disciples on the Road to Emmaus were only three days out from the crucifixion and they already didn't recognize Jesus when he began walking on the road with them.  How do we recognize where the risen Christ is present in our lives?

Unfortunately the last part of the Sermon did not record.  Here is the text of the last couple of sentences:  " The words of a sermon cannot deliver life abundant or recognition of the living Lord.  Life in the Risen Lord is opened to us only thorough the actions of repentance and mercy. So, I hope the text this morning inspires you to be a witness to the risen Christ.  Then resurrection and life will be with you now in this life and into the next."

Care of the Earth: What Does The Lord Require?

April 23, 2017  | 

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Do we look to the heavens and see the work of God's hands? Do we see in heaven and earth God's faithfulness and God's love for us?  Moses, as he gives his final instructions to Israel before they enter the promised land he says that heaven and earth will bear witness to the choices we make.  Our stewardship of the earth will determine if we have life or death, blessing or curse and he encourages them to make wise choices and choose life.  Those are wise words for us today as well.