Transformation in the Desert
September 9, 2018 | Lorne Bostwick
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We all have times in our lives that feel parched and broken. Israel recounts their hope in the words of Isaiah who speaks about their desert blooming. We are looking for hope today also. Our own land is one that is withering under rudderless leadership and in moral disarray. God does promise hope in the vision of Isaiah.
August 19, 2018 | Lorne Bostwick
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It is easy to be distracted -- so distracted that we don't pay any attention to our spiritual life. Yet our spirit is the lens through which we filter all the experiences of our life. How much do you invest in knowing what is God's will and your unique place in it?
Boundary-Crossing Generosity
July 1, 2018 | Lorne Bostwick
Series: Stewardship
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Generosity is a mark of the Spirit in the Christian life. For Paul giving is what crosses the boundaries of race, culture, economics, and religious tradition and makes us one in Christ. In this sermon we explore how responding to human need helps the Christian community get beyond our differences. Also enjoy the San Francisco Boys Choir singing "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."
How is Not the Right Religious Question
May 27, 2018 | Lorne Bostwick
Series: Pentecost Season
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Nicodemus comes to Jesus wanting an answer to the question "How." How can one be born again? How can I get into heaven. How can I believe? Jesus answers his question with a birth story. It is not about what you doctrine your hold. It is not about what works you perform. It is about your willingness and vulnerability to be born. You can't birth yourself. Only the author of life can give you birth from above. Embrace what you have already been given.