Ministry Teams

The Session

The Session is the ruling body of our church. Elders are elected by the congregation to work with the pastors to carry out our mission and ministry. The session is organized into four Ministry Teams.

Ministry of Worship and Common Life

This team provides for worship and nurtures the fellowship of the congregation.

Our vision is to:

  • Offer worship experiences that touch our hearts and encourage transformation through spiritual growth and action
  • Engage with the university community, families and adults of all ages in activities and programming that foster a sense of belonging
  • Provide radical hospitality to our church family, friends and the larger community
  • Support connections with our denomination, ecumenical partners, and interfaith communities

Ministry of Christian Discipleship

This team provides opportunities for all ages to learn and grow in faith and service to others

Through our mission, service, and educational offerings we:

  • Learn and grow through educational programs that encourage thoughtful inquiry which takes the Bible seriously but not literally
  • Provide opportunities for exploring and responding to church and social justice issues
  • Serve Christ through mission activities that engage the congregation in serving the hungry and homeless both in the community and in the world

Ministry of Stewardship

This team provides oversight and care for the staff, the facilities, and the finances of the congregation.

Stewarding our resources well means we:

  • Provide a hospitable and safe space for mission and community activities
  • Facilitate stewardship of gifts and blessings
  • Develop long-range plans for the building and for staff needs
  • Explore ways to become more environmentally sustainable

Ministry of Compassionate Care

This team provides care for those who are in need:  the sick, the friendless, and any who may be in distress.  The Board of Deacons comprise this ministry team. Like the elders, deacons are elected by the congregation.

As deacons, we:

  • Provide opportunities for members and friends to care for others
  • Provide outreach and caring for individuals of all ages
  • Support intentional ministry for, with, and to middle-age adults
  • Facilitate personal transitions
  • Respond to personal emergency needs in and outside the congregation

The members of these ministry teams meet at least monthly to collaborate and provide leadership for our faith community.  All meetings are open to the congregation, and everyone’s participation is encouraged.